Monday, August 4, 2008

You Go On Ahead for a Road Trip With Your STEREO!

Brand new, unreleased song from Sunset Rubdown. Played in the backseat of a moving cab somewhere in the UK. Left click for mp3's.

mp3: You Go On Ahead [Black Cab Session] by Sunset Rubdown
MySpace: Blam

This young female lady's name is Molly and she's the wittiest, prettiest, ukulele-ist chick you've eva seen or heard.

mp3: Road Trip by Molly aka sweetafton23
MySpace: Jam
Website: Tam
YouTube: Ram
Molly's Sing-A-Long Club: Wham [For rules and better explanation than I could give, go here]

Another backseat music sesh, but this time without instruments... or adults. This is a kids-only zone. Namely, rad kids in karate outfits singing, screaming, and staring off into space through a marvelous rendition of Pavement's "Stereo." I can only hope that if I bring a little critter or two into this world, they, too, will know the words to Pavement songs better than I do.

mp3: Stereo by Pavement
Website: Fram

Thanks for stopping by,

P.S. Thanks to Emily for ripping the audio for "You Go On Ahead" and "Road Trip."

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