Arm: a human upper limb; especially: the part between the shoulder and the wrist
Arms: a band; originally: composed only of Todd Goldstein (a Brooklyn-based mid-20s-type): adittionally: guitarist/vocalist in the band Harlem Shakes.
I think I'm in a revisiting spirit lately. Arms are another band who've more or less been on my radar for a couple years now, but I only had three songs and never thought to see what they'd been up to as of late.
"Jon the Escalator" is one of those songs that always gets stuck in my head because of its interesting harmonies, so when it popped in the ol' noggin today, I decided to check into the band and see what was new and fresh. And I was pleased as punch.
They've still got a delightfully poppy, natural, summer-excited, guitar-ish, uke-tastic, and totally hummable sound. This is a group to tuck into your go-to-bands pocket.
For the most part I try and only have three songs available for download, but with Arms I just couldn't pare it down to a measly three. So instead, I bring you SEVEN. Buuut, if you're overwhelmed by the prospect of such an onslaught of fantastic tuneage, my two favourites are "Tiger Tamer" and "The Frozen Lake." You really should just download all of them, though. You really should.
Tiger Tamer, Gunsmoke Legend, Neighbors, Shitty Little Disco, The Frozen Lake, Jon the Escalator and Whirring
And here are some Arms-y links: website, MySpace, Last.fm, Facebook, music video for "Kids Aflame", live video of "Kids Aflame" being played in a tunnel, and buy Arms' music
Lastly, here's a bonus mp3 from the Harlem Shakes:
Happy listening.
Thanks for stopping by,
Started listening to the Arms songs this arvo; they made a good glide into the end of the day. Cheers for the continued excellent linkage (:
And the referral! I pared down my list of people and places the other day, so hopefully you'll get a bit of traffic in return (:
Does "arvo" mean afternoon in Aussie speak? Glad you liked Arms though.
Thanks for the referral on your end. I certainly do hope I get a few more visitors.
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