Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Built to Spill

Sorry for the postless week. Life [a.k.a. procrastination] caught up with me.

I have to run off to an exam post haste, so this is a real quickie. I've been listening to lots of Built to Spill lately and I think these guys are one Stephen Malkmus away from being Pavement fantastic.

It's such a heartwarming sound. So guitar-y. So hook-y. So... rad. I'll come back and post something real later.

Enjoy the BtS.

Time Trap
Conventional Wisdom
Distopian Dream Girl

Thanks for stopping by,

P.S. I've received my copy of Hungry Bird. Album review coming up within the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heya, thought you might like to know about this little project I heard the other day:

Pretty stellar line-up, including my all-time favourite cut/paste bad, The Books (: